As the last version of this website was coded in 2007, it was necessary to update the backend to modern standards. This substantially increased security and the comfortability of the user interface. The website is now ready to be enjoyed not only on desktop and laptop computers of different screen resolutions but also on smartphones and tablets. I hope you enjoy the new logo and the new look as well!
The old version of this website was kept in German and all German content, from 2003 to date, has been successfully re-uploaded. However, from now onwards, the website language will primarily be English and I will just occasionally translate article contents into German. If you know German, you are welcome to access all the older content by using the top right button with the German flag as a switch between languages.
I hope you enjoy the new version of this website!
Lastly, let us remember the old version of this website, which worked well for the last 12 years, in the form of a screenshot.