Antidepressants and their consequences in freshwater ecosystems

Prescription rates for antidepressants are increasing year-by-year worldwide. At the same time, patients consuming antidepressants excrete a large proportion of these chemicals during their bowel movements. They thus end up in the sewage system, and wastewater treatment plants are unable to filter out these small molecules before forwarding the water into natural water bodies. Consequently, […]

New publication in Nature about the needs of deaf and hard-of-hearing researchers

Recently, I was able to publish a correspondence in Nature on the needs of deaf and hard-of-hearing researchers. After having read several published pieces in Nature that advertise virtual conferences as being more inclusive (see R. Joo, Nature 598, 257 (2021) and K. Powell, Nature 598, 221–223 (2021)), I felt that I had to clarify […]

Different information sources during transgenerational plasticity – which one has the greatest impact on social behavior?

Transgenerational plasticity is a useful ability. To enable this process, parents collect information about their environment during their lifetime, and then pass this information down to offspring. This information then allows young animals to prepare themselves ideally to live in the same environment. Over the last decades, many different ways how information can be transmitted […]

Vertebrate immune systems can prepare themselves for a future possibility of injury – a fish study

Our immune systems are very effective at protecting us from many pathogens that can cause diseases. When we get injured or when foreign matter enters our bodies, the immune system reacts by producing cells and antibodies that attack and eliminate pathogens. As the vertebrate immune system can take many forms and shapes dependent on what […]

Bielefeld Young Researcher’s funding acquired!

As a consequence of my successful application to the Bielefelder Nachwuchsfonds at Bielefeld University, I am pleased to announce that I have been awarded a one-year Bielefeld Young Researcher’s fund. This “career-bridge” stipend from Bielefeld University will allow me to prepare and submit proposals for 6-year future research projects on the snail Physella acuta and […]

The disastrous effects of the BPA replacement Bisphenol S (BPS) on fish behavior

Bisphenol A was widely used as an additive in the production of plastics until people became aware that it leaches from plastics into food and water, and has estrogen-disrupting effects in vertebrates. Thus, large parts of the plastics industry have replaced Bisphenol A with Bisphenol S (BPS), while sometimes explicitly advertising these products as “BPA-free”. […]

A new beginning – Bielefeld University

Happy new year! This year, I will switch from my last research project at the University of Sackatchewan in Canada to a new host university: The Bielefeld University. Here, in the Faculty of Biology – Evolutionary Biology I will be able to extend my research on the topic phenotypic plasticity by studying not only the […]

A general pattern in morphological antipredator plasticity? It is age- and sex-specific in the fathead minnow as well!

Following one of my last discoveries – that morphological plasticity follows age- and sex-specific patterns in the cichlid Pelvicachromis taeniatus – I was interested in whether the same patterns occur in the fathead minnow Pimephales promelas. In my newest experiments, I exposed sibling groups of minnows to either alarm cues or a control treatment. Then […]